
Community Aid Bridge (CAB) was established in 2001 with the help of Japanese and foreign residents in Saku city to provide support to foreign residents living in the area. While most of the initial support provided were advice about general living in Japan, CAB since then, has expanded itself into a growing organization providing services ranging from day-to-day living advice to international health projects. Regular activities include annual health check-up for foreign residents, monthly sports day, inter-cultural socials, outdoor events, and participating in international festivals organized through local municipalities. CAB also coordinates projects initiated by other NPOs or local municipalities to facilitate a wider network of communities. Since 2004, CAB has also launched a Children's Health Clinic (Nepal Project), at a National Children's Correctional Home in Nepal. The project has seen a marked improvement within a year by eradicating Tuberculosis and Chicken Pox cases at the facility.

CAB is registered as a Non-Profit Organization in Nagano prefecture. 11 regular volunteers, who are responsible for CAB's entire operation, staff it. With a restructuring in 2003, the staff members now hold monthly meetings, annual election, have coordinated group activities, and appointed designated positions. Special committees are formed to run events and projects. Staffs also attend workshops to gain skills relevant to running NPOs and take language classes to increase their proficiency in a foreign language. Apart from regular staff members, there are general members who support CAB's programs through membership fees, and volunteer during events. All funding for events organized through CAB comes from membership fees, donations and charity programs.

To become a member, volunteer or make a donation, please contact us by email.

CAB encourages both Japanese and foreign residents to get actively involved in inter-cultural activities to promote diversity and to raise awareness about different cultures. Through greater cross-cultural exchange, we can build a harmonious society and be effective in helping those in need.