Staff Introduction

CAB staff Members contribute their time voluntarily to organize, coordinate, and promote intercultural events in addition to holding regular jobs.  


Position Name Occupation/Field Location
President / Web Manager Mr.Noboru Kobayashi Agriculturist Nagano
Vice President
Mr.Takashi Iijima Trading company Fukui
Vice President Ms.Mikako Yui Publishing business Nagano
Treasurer Ms.Naoko Kobayashi Asst.Pharmacist Nagano
CAB Executive
Ms.Miho Iijima Physical Therapist Fukui
Community Event Coordinator
(Saku International Fes. etc.)
Mr.Masayuki Kitazawa

Hotel Representative

Newsletter (On leave) Ms.Mutsumi Kitazawa Medical Laboratory Technician Nagano

(Updated October 2009)


1. All the above staff positions are voluntary positions.

2. For the posts of the President and the Vice-Presidents, an election is held every year in late September. Other positions are appointed.

3. Staff members need to be enrolled as "Full Member" (Seikaiin), which requires a 500 yen annual membership fee.

4. The membership year is from October - September but can be enrolled anytime. Enrollment after October will be prorated.

5. Interested candidates for any of the above positions are encouraged to contact CAB at

We will be adding new members constantly and always invite applications for volunteering.